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the customer’s demand schedule
顾客需求表  detail>>
customer demand
顾客需求 顾客枨  detail>>
demand schedule
需求表 需求计划 需求一览表  detail>>
fluctuations in customer demand
顾客要求的变化  detail>>
demand schedule for employment
劳动力需求计划  detail>>
investment demand schedule
投资需求表 投资需要表  detail>>
market demand schedule
市场需求表  detail>>
master demand schedule
主需求计划  detail>>
money demand schedule
货币需求表  detail>>
nature of schedule of consumer demand
消费者需求表列的性质  detail>>
pseudo-demand schedule
拟需求表  detail>>
self demand schedule
自我需求制  detail>>
 n.  1.(经常的)顾客,主顾,客户,买主。 2.〔口语〕(打交道的)人,家伙;〔pl.〕 〔美口〕观众,听众。  短语和例子 ...  detail>>
be on schedule
准时  detail>>
be schedule for
定在某时(进行) 定在某时(进行)  detail>>
on schedule
按期 按时,准时 按时间表 怎么下载千千静听及时,准时 按时间表,准时 按时间表,及时,准时 五、历年大学英语四、六级考试中出现的超纲词组和固定搭配&nbs...  detail>>
on the schedule
按时间表  detail>>
准时  detail>>